Investment objectives

The objective of the Income Trust is to provide investors with a quarterly income distribution and potential for capital growth by outperforming the 90 day bank bill index by 1.0% over rolling three year periods. It is designed to provide investors with a quarterly income stream and potential for capital growth.

Investor profile

Suitable for investors seeking a regular income and a medium-term investment of at least three years.

Note: Investment returns will fluctuate, with the possibility of a negative return in some periods.

Investment policy

Predominantly invests in income producing investments. The Income Trust can invest in securities issued by government authorities, corporations and financing vehicles, and can include the following:

  • cash and fixed interest securities
  • hybrid securities (securities that have characteristics of both debt and equity)
  • mortgages up to 66.6% (⅔) of valuation secured over commercial, industrial and residential real estate in Australia
  • mortgage backed securities that provide regular interest payments, similar to that of fixed interest securities, and are backed by a pool of mortgages by way of securitisation.

Catholic Values Investment policy

Investments must qualify on investment fundamentals and are then screened for compliance with our Catholic Values Investment policy. Global equities and property assets are invested via existing wholesale unlisted Trusts. Therefore, the application of the policy within these asset classes is on a 'best fit' basis and some restricted activities may be permitted.

Returns (as at 31st March 2024)

%MonthQuarterFYTD Year 1 Year 3 Year 5
Gross Performance0.591.775.437.424.804.20
Performance (Net of Fees)0.541.615.006.774.153.55

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Asset Allocation


Policy Range%

Asset Allocation

(as at 31st March 2024)

Cash and Short Term Securities  25%  (10-40)


Fixed interest/Mortgage or Mortgage Backed Securities  65%  (50-80) 67.41%
Hybrid Securities 10%  (0-40) 23.43%